Launch of the first phase of implementation of the new SAP system in four companies of the Group: Enea SA, Enea Operator, Enea Centrum and Enea Trading.


Reception of an eco-system in CHP Białystok - the first investment on such a scale in Poland.


The shares of Enea SA entered the main indices of the Warsaw Stock Exchange: WIG20 and WIG20TR.


On April 27, Fitch Ratings maintained the company's long-term ratings in foreign and local currency at “BBB” and national long-term rating at “A (pol)” with a stable outlook.


Enea began to operate in May on the German electricity wholesale market.


Enea Operator linked to the network one of the largest photovoltaic power plants in Poland. The farm with a capacity of 1.45 M covers an area of about one hectare. The new plant can produce annually the energy worth up to 400 thousand PLN.


Best Service and Pride of the Region - these are the categories of the Wielkopolska edition of the economic rating “Proud of You”, in which Enea won.


Enea Oświetlenie completed the construction of four photovoltaic power plants in Szczecin. The installations were designed so that the produced energy was used for the buildings’ own needs.


On September 18 the company Central Information Exchange System was established, which aims to implement a uniform standard for the exchange of information between the participants of the retail electricity market.


On October 29, Enea became the owner of a total of 66% of the shares of LW Bogdanka, taking the operational control over the most effective Polish mine.


Enea Oświetlenie finished the upgrading of the lighting of the Old Market in Poznan financed by the funds of the company. Modern LED lighting replaced the sodium lamps in 32 lampposts.


The company Hotel Edison in Baranow was sold. The decision to exclude the Hotel Edison from the Group was a natural consequence of limiting involvement in projects not related to the core business of the Group.

A responsible approach to conducting our business contributes to sustainable and balanced development of our Group and to the better quality of life for the Poles.


The first action of Enea Operator organized on such a large scale regarding safety in the vicinity of the energy infrastructure “We care about your safety. Care about it too” started. (more link with the firt casetto ‘Communities’)


Enea oddała do użytku nową farmę wiatrową Baczyna o mocy 14,1 MW. Projekt zlokalizowany jest w miejscowości Lubno w gminie Lubiszyn w województwie lubuskim.


From April 1, 2016, the electronic Customer Service Centre (eCSC) has been available for all Enea customers. It involved the safe transfer of data of almost 2.5 million customers from several old systems to one Comprehensive Customer Service System.


In 2016, “New rules on giving and receiving gifts in the Enea Group” were established. This document organizes issues of giving and receiving gifts and facilitates contacts with many stakeholders.


Enea Operator cares about the stork nests located by birds on electric poles. In four years, nearly 500 nests were built. In 2016, a brigade of electricians from Krosno Odrzanskie installed a special platform at the osprey nest.

How is a modern coal plant?
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