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We employ almost 15 thousand people which makes of us one of the major employers in the area of our operation. A great responsibility rests upon us, that is why, as an employer, we especially take care of the safety and health of employees. Our employees also benefit from a number of privileges and benefits. We provide development opportunities in strategic directions for the entire Enea Group.

The rules in the workplace

Work rules in individual companies are governed by the Labour Code and internal documents. In 2015, management staff and employees focused on one of the overarching document, which is the “Code of Ethics of ENEA Capital Group.” 


  • Labour Code.
  • Code of Ethics of ENEA Capital Group.
  • Multicompany Collective Bargaining Agreement.
  • Collective Bargaining Agreement.
  • Organizational Regulations of the company.
  • Terms of remuneration of employees of the Company.  

Cooperation with trade unions


Trade unions operate in our companies. Therefore, collective agreements are binding in the Group. 

Percentage of employees covered by collective bargaining agreements in 2015 and trade unions in which the company's employees were associated in 2015.

Company Percentage of employees covered by collective bargaining agreements in 2015Trade unions in which the company's employees were associated in 2015
Enea SA 97% NSZZ Solidarity Enea Inter-enterprise Organization 
     Inter-enterprise Employee Organization of Enea Capital Group
    Trade Union of Engineers and Technicians – Inter-enterprise Trade Organization in Enea SA
Enea Operator 99,98% Enea NSZZ Solidarity Enea Inter-enterprise Organization
     Inter-enterprise Employee Organization of Enea Capital Group
     Inter-enterprise Trade Union of Continuous Maintenance Employees of Enea SA Energy Group
    Trade Union of Engineers and Technicians – Inter-enterprise Trade Organization in Enea SA
    Kadra' Inter-enterprise Trade Union of Enea SA Energy Group Employees
Enea Wytwarzanie  99,90%  Independent Self-Governing Trade Union "Solidarity" Organization in Enea Wytwarzanie Sp. z o.o. 
     Inter-enterprise Trade Union of Power Engineers in Enea Wytwarzanie Sp. z o.o.
     Trade Union of Shift Employees in ENEA Wytwarzanie Sp. z o.o.
     Inter-enterprise Trade Union of Continuous Maintenance Employees of Enea SA Energy Group Enea Wytwarzanie Organization 
    Kadra' Inter-enterprise Trade Union of Enea  SA Energy Group Employees
    Independent Trade Union of Engineering, Technical, Administrative and Support Employees of Elektrociepłownia Białystok 
PEC Oborniki 100% The National Union of Heat Engineers
Elektrociepłownia Białystok 99,61% NSZZ Solidarity Inter-enterprise Organization
    The Interenterprise National Union of Heat Engineers 
PEC Zachód 99,01% Solidarity Inter-enterprise Organization
    Ciepłownik Inter-enterprise Organization
Miejska Energetyka Cieplna Piła  0 The National Union of Heat Engineers in Piła
Enea Centrum  100%  Inter-enterprise Trade Union of Power Engineers in Enea Wytwarzanie Sp. z o.o.
    Kadra' Inter-enterprise Trade Union of Enea Capital Group Employees
    NSZZ Solidarity Enea Inter-enterprise Organization 
    Inter-enterprise Employee Organization of Enea Capital Group
    Inter-enterprise Trade Union of Power Engineers and Technicians at Enea S.A.
Enea Trading  60,00% Inter-enterprise Trade Union of Power Engineers in Enea Wytwarzanie Sp. z o. o
    NSZZ Solidarity Enea No. 2 Organization in Poznań
Enea Serwis 100% NSZZ Solidarity Enea Inter-enterprise Organization 
    Inter-enterprise Employee Organization of Enea Capital Group
    Inter-enterprise Trade Union of Continuous Maintenance Employees of Enea SA Energy Group
    Kadra' Inter-enterprise Trade Union of Enea Capital Group Employees
Enea Oświetlenie 100% Inter-enterprise Employee Organization of Enea Capital Group 
    NSZZ Solidarity Enea Inter-enterprise Organization
Enea Pomiary 100%  NSZZ Solidarity Enea Inter-enterprise Organization
Enea Logistyka   NSZZ Solidarity Enea Inter-enterprise Organization, NSZZ Solidarity MPEC, National Union of Heat Engineers - Inter-enterprise Trade Union Białystok, Inter-enterprise Trade Union of Power Engineers in Enea Wytwarzanie Sp. z o. o
Centrum Uzdrowiskowe ENERGETYK  no data  MZZP Trade Union of the Enea Capital Group in Bydgoszcz
    NSZZ Solidarity Enea Inter-enterprise Organization
