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Total electricity consumption in 2015 (MWh

Nazwa spółkiMWh
Enea SA 1 029,061
Enea Wytwarzanie 1 117 501
MEC Piła 3 940,80
PEC Oborniki 599,16
MPEC Białystok 6 209
Enea Operator company's own needs – 38 821 MWh, company's network losses – 1 382 544 MWh
Enea Centrum** no data
Enea Trading * no data
Enea Serwis 1 618,12
Enea Logistyka 524,79
Enea Oświetlenie 201
Enea Pomiary 282,2
Szpital Uzdrowiskowy ENERGETYK 453,042
PEC Zachód 35,7

* ENEA Trading doesn’t own office spaces which are rented from ENEA SA, ENEA Wytwarzanie and Enea Serwis. Operating costs are included in the rent.

** ENEA Centrum doesn’t keep records of energy consumption, since it doesn’t own offices, which it uses. ENEA Centrum  leases offices  from other companies of the Capital Group and from Rentall company.

Good practice: Energy saving solution

  • In connection with the modernization of units 1 and 2 of Kozienice Power Station, we exchanged exhaust fans on the boiler No. 1 and 2. We used a more economical way to regulate their performance. Installation of new exhaust fans along with the replacement of the drive and the new variable speed of fan drive motor save a significant amount of power consumed by the motor.
  • In Białystok CHPm we have reduced energy consumption through the modernization of the heating infrastructure. We replaced sections of the channel network on the network of pre-insulated technology and modernization of the district heating pump, which contributes to the reduction of energy losses during heat transfer.