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Enea Capital Group

Structure of the Enea Group

G4-3, G4-8, G4-17, G4-13

Enea Group consists of Enea parent company and thirteen direct subsidiaries.

Within the Enea Group, there are 5 leading companies, i.e. Enea SA (electricity trading), Enea Operator Sp. z o.o. (distribution of electricity), Enea Wytwarzanie Sp. z o.o. (production of electricity and thermal energy, including renewable energy), Energa Trading Sp. z o.o. (wholesale of electricity) and since 2015 LW Bogdanka SA (extraction). Other entities provide supporting activities.

Go to our corporate website, to find a brief description of the company. 

On April 15, 2015, the Enea Group acquired from PGE 10 per cent stake in PGE EJ 1, which will act as the operator of the first Polish nuclear power plant. This project also involves KGHM Polska Miedz and Tauron Polska Energia. These companies have acquired 10 per cent stake in PGE EJ 1. The fundamental decision on the construction of a nuclear power plant in Poland is to be made in 2017.

In February 2015, the company Energo-Tour was put in liquidation.

In December 2015, Enea sold Hotel Edison to another entity.

A detailed description of the Enea Group as at 31 December 2015 may be found in the annual report.

New management model


In 2013, the Enea Group started the process of creating a new model of organization management, the intensification of the work fell on 2014-2015.

Our new management model is a transparent, planned, consistent and formally and legally safe decision-making mechanism within the Group by the competent corporate bodies ensuring the selection of the best business decisions.

Currently, there are six Committees of the Enea Group: Compliance, Management, Investment, Risk, Finance and IT as well as Trade and Promotion, that, within the framework to their powers and competences, enhance decision-making process within the Group.

The aim of a wide project “Corporate governance - Enea Capital Group Management Plan” was to create a strong pillar of the Group.

Simplifying the Group's structure and focusing on its core business is the most significant. The development of the Shared Services Centre providing services to, among others, human resources, finance and accounting, IT, logistics, legal services and Client service is the milestone in this direction. 

The benefits of implementing a new organizational governance within the Enea Group


To increase the efficiency of our processes, the Group's operations are supported by IT systems, such as SAP, Electronic Document Flow (EDF) or the Comprehensive Customer Service System (CCSS).

In 2015 Enea Group saved PLN 352 mln

2015 rokiem optymalizacji i poprawy efektywności

  • Centralizacja i optymalizacja efektywnościowa procesów biznesowych – obniżanie kosztów jednostkowych
  • Rozszerzenie świadczonych usług na kolejne Spółki z GK Enea
  • Wdrażanie systemów IT wspierających pracę w poszczególnych obszarach
  • Rozbudowa katalogu usług – centralizacja kolejnych funkcji wsparcia

Code of the Enea Group

G4-56, G4-DMA

The new management model functioning in the Enea Group is defined in the Code of the Enea Group, that is a specific constitution of the Group. The document obliges all companies within the Enea Group to work together to implement the strategy and mission of the Group, create its value as a whole and maintain consistency.

Our business is complex and exposed to a number of risks, i.e. financial, market. That is why we have introduced an integrated risk management system. It covers such areas as: corporate, liquidity, currency, credit, commodity and interest rate risk.  Click the Report of the Management Board of the Capital Group Operations, if you wish to learn more on the risk management process.

Capital Group management

The Management Board of Enea consists of four persons.

Composition of the Management Board as of 15.06.2016

Enea is supervised by the Supervisory Board comprising of nine persons.

Click the link, if you want to see the detailed biographies of the members of the Management Board and the Supervisory Board.

Rules of the Management and Supervisory Board are available here.

Enea on exchanges

Enea company is listed on the Warsaw Stock Exchange.                                                            

The share of the company's shares in the Indices at the end of 2015:

Udział akcji spółki w Indeksach na koniec 2015 r.:


Enea SA's shareholding structure

Struktura Akcjonariatu

PLN 17.48 - the maximum rate in 2015  

PLN 10.56 - the minimum rate in 2015

PLN 4,988.30 mln - capitalization at the end of the period